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Patty Spitler
Host | Producer | Reporter
Patty Spitler is the host and producer for Great Day TV. An Emmy Award winner, Patty worked for 23 years at WISH-TV in Indianapolis as an anchor and entertainment reporter. She retired in 2004 for health reasons. Patty has Meniere's Disease with permanent and progressive hearing loss. She now is mom to a Bernese Mountain Dog named Stewie, kitties Timber and Freddy, and several neighborhood cats that she feeds on her porch. Patty is twice the recipient of the Best Indianapolis TV Personality in an IndyStar poll and was inducted into the Indiana Broadcasters Hall of Fame in 2018.

Ramon Carrera
CEO | Owner | Reporter
Ramón Carrera is the CEO/Show Owner/Executive Producer for Great Day TV. He shoots many of the stories you see on the television show and edits the half-hour program. Ramón also coordinates the transmission of the program each week to our growing family of local television stations and cable networks. Ramón owns INDY Audio Visual Productions, a local production company in Indianapolis. Originally from Madrid, Spain, he attended the University of Indianapolis. During Ramón’s downtime, he enjoys practicing Kendo, the ancient teachings of Japanese martial arts.

Steve Sweitzer
Photographer | Reporter
Steve Sweitzer has over 30 years of broadcast TV news experience, mostly at WISH-TV in Indianapolis; shooting, writing, editing, field producing, and as Chief Photographer and News Operations Manager. Awarded Indiana News Photographer of the Year and taken first place in the Associated Press reporting category. Steve also is a former president of the National Press Photographers Association. For the last 20 years, he has taught courses for the Journalism Department at Indiana University Purdue University (IUPUI). In 2021, Steve was inducted into the Indiana Broadcast Pioneers Hall of Fame.

Eric Halvorson
Eric has had a long and successful career as a journalist and TV news lead anchor. He started his TV career as a reporter and photographer at WTTV in Indianapolis while still a student at Butler University. He then joined WISH-TV as a news anchor where he earned Emmy awards and other honors. After leaving WISH-TV, Eric worked as an instructor at the University of Indianapolis and as a documentary producer for WFYI in Indianapolis. He currently is Manager of Corporate Affairs for Kroger Central Division, serving as media spokesman for Kroger stores, pharmacies and fuel centers from northwestern Ohio to eastern Missouri. Eric and his wife, Theresa, are grandparents of three children and try to spend as much time with them as possible.

Terri Stacy
Terri Stacy grew up in Henry County and is a graduate of Knightstown High School. She attended the Herron School of Art in Indianapoliswith hopes of becoming a commercial artist. In 1985, Terri took a job as a receptionist at WIBC/WNAP Radio and quickly fell in love with radio. After winning the WIBC Employee of the Year award in the Spring of 1993, she was given a one-week stint on The Morning Show with Jeff Pigeon. Before long it be came a permanent job. Over the next 25 years, Terri was part of the WIBC Morning Show with Jeff Pigeon, Steve Simpson and Vince Welch, broadcasting from events and venues all over the city and interviewing politicians, sports figures, authors, celebrities and heroes. She recently celebrated 38 years at WIBC and is adding television to her resume as a reporter for Great Day TV.

Renee Jameson
Renee Jameson grew up in Muncie, Indiana, and attended Ball State University. For 16 years she worked as a broadcast journalist in television markets in Ohio, Florida, Tennessee and at WISH-TV in Indianapolis, where she was a general assignment reporter for four years. She also worked at WRTV in Indianapolis for three years. Renee received a Best in Indiana award from the Society of Professional Journalists in 2005. She took some time off the air to raise her family and says she is thrilled to be working once again with Patty Spitler.

Shannon Cagle
Shannon Cagle is the Weekend Gardener for Great Day TV, tapping into years of expert resources to bring viewers the most up-to-date info on gardening and landscapes. She also is an Emmy-winning producer with decades of broadcast experience in the Indianapolis market, including her most recent documentary on hunger in Indiana, "The Working Hungry." As a producer for WISH-TV, she not only crafted daily newscasts and special events coverage but also originated long-running sponsored segments, like "The Weekend Gardener!" Following her years at WISH, Shannon worked at WFYI in both the TV and radio arenas. She spent several years at "Inside INdiana Business with Gerry Dick" producing education and energy-related content. Today she volunteers as the broadcast producer for the Indiana Debate Commission and works as a communications specialist for an Indianapolis charter school network. She speaks frequently on the issues of mental health and suicide awareness.

Joy Hernandez
Photographer | Reporter
With a background in animation, television news, and journalism, Joy Hernandez has created a colorful world of her own, via her art. Joy is an aerosol and acrylic artist currently based out of Indianapolis, Indiana. She is the founder of Full Circle Nine Gallery in Indianapolis and shows her art there as well as other locations throughout Indianapolis. She has one cat and a dog who is Springer Spaniel mix, but enjoys small mammals, having had pet rats in college. Joy has worked at WISH-TV as a photojournalist for over 17 years. She enjoys house renovations and gardening projects with her husband.

Adam Byers-Dunn Photographer | Reporter
Photographer Adam Dunn has worked with many large and small corporations to create stunning internal and external productions, ranging from corporate communications to full marketing campaigns and commercial productions. Originally from Illinois, Adam graduated from Eastern Illinois University with a B.S. degree in Mass Communications: Electronic Media Studies. In 2016 he became a photographer and reporter for Pet Pals TV. He has always had a passion for animals and enjoys covering animal stories.

Barney Wood
Photographer Barney Wood has worked in the cable, broadcast, and multimedia industries since 1988. He has a passion for human interest storytelling and is a two-time Emmy Award-winning recipient with 21 Emmy Nominations. Barney lives south of Indy with his wife Lisa, his son Orion, and his faithful production assistant, Zoe Butterscotch, the Shih-Chi Wonder Dog! Barney describes himself as a "geek" who can never own enough computers, camera equipment, and various gadgets.

Rita Rose
Executive Assistant
Rita Rose is Executive Assistant at Great Day TV and personal assistant to host Patty Spitler. She is a retired reporter and Assistant Arts & Entertainment Editor for The Indianapolis Star. At Great Day TV she edits and writes some of the blog content on the website. She also takes photos to promote upcoming shows and events on social media and the Great Day TV e-newsletter. Rita is the co-author of Patty's book, "The Dog Who Saved My Life."

Jason Heath
Digital Media Producer
Jason provides digital content for GreatDayTV.com and produces content for our valued sponsors. An Emmy-award winning television producer, Jason develops marketing plans to help sponsors maximize their goals. Jason also produces Grateful Rescue TV, a program that celebrates the adoptions at Grateful Rescue and Sanctuary in Muncie, Indiana. Jason works full-time as Inflight Communications Supervisor for Republic Airways